L12 Solutions

Salesforce Consulting & Administration

Tag: communication

  • Favorite Sayings

    Below are some of my favorite sayings. These are all mine, but I have been inspired by many others. If they work for you and your department, feel free to use them. Your Knowledge Base is your Best Worker. Think about it. It never sleeps, never takes a day off, doesn’t get injured, doesn’t complain, and…

  • Phrases to Avoid

    See end of this post to get a free PDF poster for your call center, contact center, or desktop wallpaper to help remind your customer service agents what phrases they should avoid before they get too deep in the weeds. When writing to clients or customers, avoid these phrases to better enhance their experience and reduce…

  • A Word about Pushback

    Pushback Defined Pushback is when a customer replies to our answers with questions or comments which indicate they do not believe our solution will work for them, that they have little faith in our process, or that someone else did not give them the correct help. There is a difference between pushback and mere clarification questions: Why should we…

  • Four Quality Principles of Tone and Style

    When replying to customers by email, chat, or speaking with them on the phone, always utilize these four principles in terms of your tone and style. The tone and style of words convey knowledge, intent, understanding (empathy), and standing. All four work together to quickly help customers resolve concerns, while also curtailing unnecessary pushback from customers.